Interest in test automation utilizing the Selenium tool suite has grown substantially over the past several years for several reasons, including:
Any Open-source solution requires a fairly significant investment to make it worthwhile. Despite many advantages, Selenium has some notable shortcomings that must be addressed to make it an efficient enterprise solution. The following table illustrates some of the significant improvements Lotus invested:
Any Open-source solution requires a fairly significant investment to make it worthwhile. Despite many advantages, Selenium has some notable shortcomings that must be addressed to make it an efficient enterprise solution. The following table illustrates some of the significant improvements Lotus invested:
Selenium Out Of Box Shortfall
Lotus's Selenium Solution
No easy way of managing data input
Lotus Input Data Library
No easy way of working test objects
Lotus Object Manager
No common reporting capabilities
Lotus Reporting Engine Library
Requires complex scripting
Functional Decomposition Framework
Keyword Driven Framework
Lotus’s Automation Selenium Solution (LASS) addresses all of these shortcomings with a unique automation framework that allows an organization to take advantage of the cost savings of an open-source tool while still providing the experience of a licensed tool. Lotus has invested significantly to fill the Selenium out-of-the-box gaps as outlined below.