Cloud Servives
Our services are geared toward assisting enterprises who are prepared for the future to transform customer experiences and realize value across the entire cloud value chain. Thanks to automation, AI, and analytics, the emphasis is on enabling businesses to gain from increased flexibility throughout their IT landscape, new income sources, and comprehensive business transformation.
To migrate you to the cloud properly, our strategy prioritizes your company’s demands and develops solutions tailored to your industry. Learn how to scale up your solutions to utilize cloud computing fully. With an outcome-driven, automation-led roadmap, we collaborate with you from migration to cloud administration to help your business reach its potential and generate value at scale.
Our Offerings
One of the following is chosen to move the application infrastructure to the cloud based on the present status of each application and the demands after conducting a due diligence study on all currently maintained applications in a data center.
In each case listed below, quality assurance is essential to ensuring the apps function correctly after being transferred to a cloud environment. In the event of a complete rewrite on Cloud Native for a Microservices-Based architecture, in addition to a complete traditional functional and non-functional testing required executed, contract testing, and resiliency testing are also crucial to ensure all services are developed according to requirement and built with resiliency.
- Re-host: the standard shift and lift. Although from a financial standpoint migrating to the cloud only fully helps you if you switch from Capex to Opex, it is the least expensive option.
- Modernize Your Application: Re-Factor or Re-Platform your program, starting with basic containerization and progressing through automation (CI/CD), decoupling complex architecture, and enabling APIs.
- Utilize cloud technologies to create your application from the start.
To prevent lock-in, clients must use various cloud providers, build provider-agnostic deployment, management, and migration skills, and take advantage of the public, private, and contemporary application delivery frameworks. Instead of just accelerating deployment and lowering delivery costs, we anticipate our clients’ attention moving from using the public cloud to achieving essential business objectives. This tendency will make the distinction between OT and IT less clear, giving rise to more modern support models, including digital business infrastructure support.
What we do:
- Create a scalable, highly dependable, and automated cloud-native platform by offering modern delivery & cloud-native solutions.
- Cost, resilience, and business value should be the driving factors behind a multi-cloud approach.
- Optimize the necessary infrastructure to produce digital business outcomes and improve Digital Business Infrastructure Operations (DBIO) services.
A systematic approach for moving your application to the cloud must be developed by evaluating effective migration options. This tactic is based on how complicated your surroundings are. There are a few crucial decisions that you must make before migrating the application to the cloud. By developing a suitable plan and conducting assessments, we at Lotus make it simple for you. Six crucial steps make up our migration strategy: re-host, re-platform, re-purchase, re-factor/re-architecture, retain, and retire.
- Rehost: Without making any significant architectural modifications, rehosting, often known as “lift and shift,” transfers your current virtual or physical servers to the cloud.
- Re-platform: Re-platforming entails transferring applications to the cloud while making a few optimizations, such as switching from self-hosted infrastructure to managed services.
- Re-platform: Repurchasing is a quicker method of accessing the cloud, but it requires changing the current licensing scheme.
- Re-factor: Refactoring is altering an application to benefit from SaaS and PaaS-based technology, which will help cut costs.
- Retain: When depreciation value is reached before migration, keeping a few, or more on-premises solutions is helpful if the migration cost exceeds the application’s worth.
- Retire: When outdated applications are decommissioned or combined with other dependent apps, retirement can be done to save a ton of money.
What our clients say about us
Vestibulum laoreet nisi dapibus libero dapibus, lobortis consectetur purus faucibus. Vivamus sed eros consectetur, dignissim sapien vulputate, efficitur erat. Donec pretium purus sit amet quam tristique, consequat sollicitudin eros sodales. Nulla facilisi. Donec tempus metus nec velit maximus lacinia. Etiam condimentum lectus a libero condimentum, sit amet maximus velit rutrum. Vivamus non arcu tempor, ultricies magna vel, feugiat urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Rebecca Wilde
MainDoorProin ac iaculis nulla. Praesent aliquam lobortis leo, sit amet iaculis lorem tincidunt sit amet. Phasellus vel dolor non libero lacinia tristique sit amet et enim. Morbi enim turpis, eleifend at leo eget, vestibulum mattis odio. Praesent molestie pulvinar leo, non tincidunt arcu sodales eu. Donec consectetur commodo quam vitae feugiat. Phasellus lectus sapien, iaculis eu accumsan in, posuere id ex. Nam tempus scelerisque vulputate. Fusce tristique sapien et nunc iaculis, non suscipit nisl sagittis. Sed vulputate pellentesque eros aliquam molestie.
Aaron Moore
CleverDragonFusce pulvinar nisl nec quam pulvinar aliquet. Aliquam id imperdiet neque, id facilisis quam. In varius dui nec libero commodo dignissim. Mauris venenatis porttitor nulla. Etiam aliquet justo a purus aliquet, imperdiet rhoncus odio viverra. Donec fermentum tincidunt augue ac mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Clarence Withmorre
OpenMindLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vel consequat libero. Proin in augue faucibus, imperdiet arcu sit amet, porta lectus. Pellentesque ante erat, tempus aliquam dignissim sit amet, interdum porttitor nisl. Mauris in nulla tincidunt, convallis est at, dignissim quam. Suspendisse quis elit sed urna dictum porta. Cras elementum, lacus eu venenatis porttitor, libero urna condimentum nunc, sed venenatis eros erat egestas tortor. Nulla pharetra vehicula turpis eu viverra. Morbi risus mauris, cursus vel venenatis at, euismod a mi. Maecenas laoreet nunc vitae sapien molestie consequat. Pellentesque ullamcorper mauris vel augue luctus, non ultrices ligula laoreet.
Alfredo Morato
Our Clients
We can discuss your IT needs and challenges, and our solutions architects can schedule a free 30-minute call.