“Optimize and automate operations to grow your business faster.”


At Lotus, we strive to provide cutting-edge DevOps services and solutions that will automate operations in a cross-functional setting. With the help of DevOps, developers, operations personnel, test engineers, product managers, and executives may work closely together for greater openness and agility. In addition, utilizing DevOps services, such as continuous integration and delivery, enables businesses to meet the demands of developing markets more quickly and effectively.

Businesses and startups increasingly turn to DevOps solutions to achieve an operational advantage. The software delivery lifecycle involves development, IT operations, and business teams. DevOps Services work together to align them around a common objective: persistent innovation fuelled by continuous delivery of goods and services. DevOps Consulting company Lotus helps startups and established companies grow.

Lotus embraces DevOps as a service strategy by focusing on communication, collaboration, integration, and automation of development, IT, and business operations. We leverage standard industry practices, tools, resources, and ecosystems to enable end-to-end DevOps Services for organizations, from emerging start-ups to established enterprises, thus helping them improve the speed, accuracy, and quality at each step of their product development and service delivery cycle.

Business Agility

Allows for reciprocal cooperation, communication, and integration across teams that are spread out globally.

Enhanced Collaboration

Establishing a culture of transparency, shared accountability, and quick feedback across projects.

Improved Efficiency

Increases delivery quantity and enhances speed, consistency, precision, and reliability.

End-to-End Traceability

Transparent processes and procedures across all projects, initiatives, and portfolios

Faster time to Market

Build, release, and run high-quality software more quickly and consistently.

DevOps Solutions

Our Offerings


DevOps Implementation

The DevOps implementation defines the strategic outcome of a software development cycle. As we ask the right questions and take the appropriate steps, we encourage you to support and deliver organizational transformation. The procedures of the end-to-end delivery pipeline, infrastructure management, automation, deployment, orchestration, etc., are included in the Lotus DevOps implementation services..
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DevOps Automation Services

The key to expediting the DevOps process of bridging the gap between development and operations is automation. Ultimately, it improves the software release cycle and quickly distributes all updates to users. As a result, you may deploy all iterative modifications to the production environment more rapidly than ever with little to no human involvement in the procedures..
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DevOps Release Management and Orchestration

DevOps release management is a crucial component of the software development cycle, constantly changing due to new technologies, frameworks, and methodologies developments. DevOps orchestration focuses on automating the performance of processes with several steps, tasks, and different kinds of technologies..
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DevOps Infrastructure Automation

Your workflow can be improved by automating manual software development procedures because automated jobs often have superior accuracy and efficiency. You can observe a significant decrease in the cost of resources needed because it eliminates the need to complete a sizable portion of manual activities. .
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DevOps CI/CD Services

DevOps' essential cornerstone, CI and CD, transformed how programmers and testers approach software releases. While continuous delivery (CD) permits short release cycles, ensuring release at any time necessary without faults, continuous integration (CI) assists in integrating codes and sharing in mainline repositories. In addition, rapid iterations focused on product release are made possible by CI/CD DevOps automated processes that eliminate manual errors and provide feedback..
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By understanding your system configuration and cloud capabilities and then choosing an efficient combination of SRE tools and platforms and tried-and-true approaches, we make your IT Infrastructure scalable and self-healing for optimal uptime. We develop proactive issue management and reporting utilizing potent AI and cognitive algorithms for the most significant system intelligence, performance, and dependability.
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What our clients say about us

  • Vestibulum laoreet nisi dapibus libero dapibus, lobortis consectetur purus faucibus. Vivamus sed eros consectetur, dignissim sapien vulputate, efficitur erat. Donec pretium purus sit amet quam tristique, consequat sollicitudin eros sodales. Nulla facilisi. Donec tempus metus nec velit maximus lacinia. Etiam condimentum lectus a libero condimentum, sit amet maximus velit rutrum. Vivamus non arcu tempor, ultricies magna vel, feugiat urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Proin ac iaculis nulla. Praesent aliquam lobortis leo, sit amet iaculis lorem tincidunt sit amet. Phasellus vel dolor non libero lacinia tristique sit amet et enim. Morbi enim turpis, eleifend at leo eget, vestibulum mattis odio. Praesent molestie pulvinar leo, non tincidunt arcu sodales eu. Donec consectetur commodo quam vitae feugiat. Phasellus lectus sapien, iaculis eu accumsan in, posuere id ex. Nam tempus scelerisque vulputate. Fusce tristique sapien et nunc iaculis, non suscipit nisl sagittis. Sed vulputate pellentesque eros aliquam molestie.
    Aaron Moore
  • Fusce pulvinar nisl nec quam pulvinar aliquet. Aliquam id imperdiet neque, id facilisis quam. In varius dui nec libero commodo dignissim. Mauris venenatis porttitor nulla. Etiam aliquet justo a purus aliquet, imperdiet rhoncus odio viverra. Donec fermentum tincidunt augue ac mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vel consequat libero. Proin in augue faucibus, imperdiet arcu sit amet, porta lectus. Pellentesque ante erat, tempus aliquam dignissim sit amet, interdum porttitor nisl. Mauris in nulla tincidunt, convallis est at, dignissim quam. Suspendisse quis elit sed urna dictum porta. Cras elementum, lacus eu venenatis porttitor, libero urna condimentum nunc, sed venenatis eros erat egestas tortor. Nulla pharetra vehicula turpis eu viverra. Morbi risus mauris, cursus vel venenatis at, euismod a mi. Maecenas laoreet nunc vitae sapien molestie consequat. Pellentesque ullamcorper mauris vel augue luctus, non ultrices ligula laoreet.

Our Clients

Years of IT Expertise
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Automated Scripts
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Cloud Deployments
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E-Commerce Websites
0 +
24/7 Prod Support
0 +

We can discuss your IT needs and challenges, and our solutions architects can schedule a free 30-minute call.